Small World Cafe invites you to “Algerian Night” food and film evening on Thursday, March 18th at 7:00pm at:
The Square Centre, Alfred Street North (near top of Huntingdon Street), Nottingham, NG3 1AA.They will be serving traditional Algerian food including a vegan option from 7pm (recommended donation £4 vegan / £5 meat) , and the tea and coffee bar will be serving a range of teas and refreshments from 50p. Film ‘Battle of Algiers’ starts around 8pm. The previous Afghan and Mongolian nights have been a great success so get there early if you want food.
Forthcoming events (click ‘Read more’ for details’):
- 8th April Who wants to be a Zimbabwean Trillionaire UK Citizenship Test, first prize 100 Trillion Zimbabwean dollars. Food* at 7pm Quiz at 8pm
- 22nd April African Night. Fundraiser for Nottingham Refugee Forum and Aegis Trust. Food* at 7pm Film 8pm
- 29th April Iranian Night. Fundraiser for Nottingham City of Sanctuary- Food* at 7pm Film 8pm