A support group has been launched by the Friends of Amdani Juma to support his appeal against a Home Office ruling to terminate his right to remain. Amdani came to the UK in March 2003 from Burundi and applied for asylum. Within a month he was given Humanitarian Leave to Remain because of his experience as a torture survivor and political dissident, having escaped death on more than one occasion because of ethnic conflict and as a result of his involvement with the Democratic Front of Burundi. The DFB aims to disarm the Burundian army as a means to peace in opposition to the military government. Like most of its leading activists, Amdani has been forced into exile in recent years. Many of his family & friends have faced torture and been murdered. Please download and distribute the attached petition and read on to find out more about the case……
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All posts by nobordersnottm
UN warns of thousands of victims of DR Congo fighting
From Goma, DR Congo, Oct 9, 2007 (AFP)
UN officials warned here Tuesday that fighting between rebels and army troops in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo had displaced up to 500,000 people and left many in an “appalling” situation. The warning came as heavy fighting between forces loyal to renegade general Laurent Nkunda and the army continued in the Nord-Kivu region Tuesday, the day after the rebels launched an “active offensive” against army troops. A spokesman for the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the provincial capital Goma told AFP Tuesday that it had recorded 371,000 people as internally displaced in the region since December 2006.
Continue reading UN warns of thousands of victims of DR Congo fighting
Video of interviews outside DR Congo ‘country guidance tribunal’ Sept 21
No deportations to DRCongo.
From Indymedia UK
DRC IS NOT SAFE | 25.09.2007 16:07 | Anti-racism | Migration
These are links to interviews done by Friction TV at the demonstration on 21 September outside the Country Guidance Tribunal into DRC.
[Video interview 1] [Video interview 2] [Video interview 3] [Video interview 4]
Continue reading Video of interviews outside DR Congo ‘country guidance tribunal’ Sept 21
Nottingham Market Square demo Tues 28th Aug at noon – Stop deportations to DR Congo
Latest news: BUT PLEASE NOTE THE AUG 28 DEMONSTRATIONS WILL GO AHEAD AS PLANNED. Judge halts DR Congo deportations until a hearing in September decided whether the country was fit for returning asylum seekers. See NCADC and BBC News. The legal action was bought by 10 failed asylum seekers after Home Secretary Jacqui Smith refused to halt a charter flight to DR Congo on 30 August. The judge said, “I don’t consider it would be reasonable for the Secretary of State to take the attitude that she can continue to remove.”
Action will be taking place in many British cities because a number of Congolese detainees received “removal directions” for Thursday 30th August, stipulating Flight number PVT616 and ‘Operation Castor’. Castor was the ‘Operational’ name given to the ‘Charter Flight’ on the 26th February that removed 21 children and 17 adults to DR Congo. This deportation was planned before a (delayed) review of the Home Office position that DR Congo is safe. Evidence against the Home Office position is overwhelming. Early morning raids, detentions and deportations just before a “country guidance” hearing is due to take place follows a pattern where the UK Government publicly condemns abusive regimes and quietly deports their victims back to them, under the legal-radar.
THE PLANNED DEMONSTRATION WILL STILL GO AHEAD HOWEVER. It is important to keep up the pressure and continue to show solidarity with people still threatened with deportation, and nor least because the September “country guidance” hearing is still to some.
WHEN? Join demonstration on Tuesday 28th August 2007 starting at 12 o’clock.
WHERE? Old Market Square (outside the Council House), Nottingham, NG1 2DT.
CALLED BY : Nottingham Congolese Community.
SUPPORTED BY : Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum, No Borders Nottingham, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Apareco North Midland, SOS Immigration, Satellite, Africa Initiative Support.
Read background information:
1) Home Office arrange another deportation ‘Charter flight’ to DR Congo.
2) What is the Home Office motive for trying to remove so many to the DR Congo now? What you can do about it?.
Other actions against the 30th August ‘charter flight’ in Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Cardiff at the same time – 28th August at 12 noon. A London Demonstration *Stop the ‘Charter flight’ to DR Congo* took place on Thursday 23rd August – 10:00am at: High Court, The Strand, London, WC2A 2LL (Nearest tube, Charing Cross) where the successful Judicial Review hearing was held in the Court to try and stop the flight.
Continue reading Nottingham Market Square demo Tues 28th Aug at noon – Stop deportations to DR Congo
Stop deportation of Ugandan Jane Mary Mutetsi from Heathrow on Monday
While reporting at Loughborough Reporting Centre on 8 August 2007 Jane Mary Mutetsi, asylum seeker from Uganda, was detained. She was moved to Manchester Airport holding centre since there were ‘no beds elsewhere’. She is due to be deported on Monday 13 August 2007, from Heathrow Airport London. It looks like the flight will be Kenya Airways flight KQ101 which leaves Heathrow Terminal 4 at 8pm on Monday.
Jane Mary is a Volunteer and a member of the Women’s Group at the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum (NNRF). To object to the deportation contact the Manchester Airport IRC (Immigration removal centre), Manchester Airport, M90 4HH Tel: 0161 489 5702, Fax: 0161 489 5701. More details to follow tomorrow lunchtime.
We’re relieved to hear Jane’s immediate deportation was suspended at the last minute, now pending judicial review.
Continue reading Stop deportation of Ugandan Jane Mary Mutetsi from Heathrow on Monday
Update on attempts to deport people to Sudan
British Airways and Gulf Air are the airlines involved, and the next deportation is set for Wednesday 4th April: Mustafa. The last attempt to deport Mustafa was from Heathrow (Gulf Air). BA were going to take Alcir.
Another update: 3 April 07 – Late last night, UK immigration authorities halted the removal of Darfuri African survivor Mohammed Abdulhadi Ali. Read more…
Continue reading Update on attempts to deport people to Sudan
Important Update on Sudanese Detainees
Of the three from Nottingham detained last week; Abdulhadi, Mustafa, Alcir …:
IMPORTANT UPDATE: 3 April 07 – Late last night, UK immigration authorities halted the removal of Darfuri African survivor Mohammed Abdulhadi Ali. Read more …
Continue reading Important Update on Sudanese Detainees
Antifa (Antifascism) Benefit
Nottingham Saturday March 17th at the Maze
Saturday the 17th of March, 2pm – 2am @ The Maze (back of the Forest Tavern), Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FT. £8.00 on the door, proceeds to Antifa.