No Borders Nottingham and our friends in the Zimbabwean community will be demonstrating in favour of asylum rights and against the Mugabe regime on Saturday 29th March, the day of the Zimbabwean election. We will meet at Speaker’s Corner in the Market Square, Nottingham, at 2.00pm to show our solidarity and to talk to the people of Nottingham about the situation for Zimbabwean asylum seekers. Please join us! This protest follows ‘A NIGHT FOR ZIMBABWE’ taking place at Nottingham’s Sumac Centre on Friday 28th March.
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Category Archives: All articles
Call for ‘picket’ in Birmingham over threat to deny primary healthcare to unwanted asylum seekers
Since 2004, most failed asylum seekers and other undocumented migrants have been unable to access free NHS secondary care (like non-emergency hospital treatments). Now the government is considering doing the same with primary care (preventing them seeing an NHS doctor, for example). How low can you go? This barbaric decision would put the health some of the most vulnerable people in UK at great risk. Many asylum seekers suffer from physical or mental illness resulting from the persecution they were fleeing from in the first place. The uncertainty of going through the asylum process in UK is very stressful. Losing their case, along with housing support and money for food, contributes greatly to illness. West Midlands Anti Racist Campaign, ARC, has called for a protest at the surgery of Liam Byrne MP, Minister for Immigration at the Home Office, on Saturday 5th April 2008. For details, please see Birmingham Indymedia article.
* See also: Asylum seekers in Coventry are already being turned away by some GPs.
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Manchester No Borders mobilise for ‘Freedom of movement’ demo on April 12th
Manchester No Borders are mobilising for a demonstration in Manchester for Saturday, April 12, for FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT FOR ALL and IN DEFENCE OF AUTONOMOUS SPACES. Check for details. Free spaces are important venues for our activities – a new squatted Social Centre in Hackney, London recently held a No Borders info-night.
Campaign against Lufthansa as fears grow for deported Zimbabwean soldier
Human rights activists and Zimbabweans living abroad have started a campaign against Lufthansa airline after it was used by the German government to deport a former Zimbabwe soldier who was arrested upon setting foot at the Harare International Airport and is suspected to have been tortured for the past three days. Source:
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Home office threatens Iraqi asylum seekers – return or face destitution
Many (but certainly not all) Iraqi asylum seekers were receiving some support while our warmongering state continues to try and disentangle itself from the hellhole it has created in Iraq. While the killing still continues, the Home Office thinks now is good time to pull support and force hundreds of people to make a life or death decision – go back or starve. We can’t let this happen.
From Guardian newspaper March 13th 2008: More than 1,400 rejected Iraqi asylum seekers are to be told they must go home or face destitution in Britain as the government considers Iraq safe enough to return them, according to leaked Home Office correspondence seen by the Guardian [newspaper]. The Iraqis involved are to be told that unless they sign up for a voluntary return programme to Iraq within three weeks, they face being made homeless and losing state support. They will also be asked to sign a waiver agreeing the government will take no responsibility for what happens to them or their families once they return to Iraqi territory. […] The decision by the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, to declare that it is safe to send asylum seekers back to Iraq comes after more than 78 people have been killed in incidents across Iraq since last Sunday. Donna Covey, chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “It is a nasty policy, and a failed one, that doesn’t achieve its stated aim of encouraging return. Iraq is still patently unsafe and people from there are terrified of going back. Removing support in such cases only results in one thing: more hungry and homeless people living in constant fear.” She added that most Iraqis wanted to go home when it was safe but until then the government should be offering them the chance to live decently in the UK (extracts from Guardian story).
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‘Crossing Borders’ transnational newsletter
Crossing Borders!, 5th Issue, February 2008 – available in English and many other languages, from:
Crossing Borders! is an initiative of the frassanito network that aims to foster migration-related networking and practical struggles. Previous issues have covered conflicts in western and eastern Europe, Africa and the USA. This one speaks about womenʼs migration, a crucial perspective for understanding transnational movements and how labour is organised globally. It also introduces Fight the Monster! Against Border Regime: Transnationalization now!, a nine month initiative that started in February.
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No Borders Brighton launch new website
We are pleased to announce that the Brighton group of the No Borders netowrk now have a website at:
Check out the left of our news pages for the websites of No Borders groups across the UK. Groups that do not have websites can still be contacted and their email addresses are listed on the No Borders UK page: ADDITION: No Borders South Wales now have their own site too.
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No BNP ‘Red, white and blue’ festival campaign
The anti-immigrant British National Party aim to hold their annual ‘Red, white & blue festival’ for the second time in the East Midlands this summer. It was held in Kimberley in 2007, and the local council allowed it to go ahead in spite of intense local opposition by residents. A campaign has been launched to stop this taking place again:
The BNP spread much fear and hatred aimed at asylum seeker and refugees. Download the campaign leaflet Stop the Fascist Red, White and Blue Festival 2008 [attachment=11]
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No Borders Newsletter #3
Download the latest newsletter [attachment=10]; contents as follows:
* Report from the No Borders network gathering in Manchester 16-17 February 08
* GEO protest, Reading – 22 February 08
* No Borders South Wales picket Home Office in Cardiff – 12 February 08
* Harmondsworth 4 acquitted ! – 22 February 2008
* No Borders activist found guilty – 28 January 2008
* Bristol No Borders prevent dawn raids, again – 12 February 2008
See also, previous No Borders newsletters, and more, on the No Borders UK website.
Continue reading No Borders Newsletter #3
Small world kitchen on Friday 22nd February @ Sumac
And again, following the last one (8th Feb) the Sumac Centre is hosting a tasty Friday night ‘Small World Kitchen’ where you can have a meal and a chin wag, courtesy of NNRF Women’s group. It’s on February 22nd and it starts 7.30pm. See earlier posts (below) for full details including directions.
Continue reading Small world kitchen on Friday 22nd February @ Sumac