Nottingham University employee threatened with deportation after unfounded ‘terrorism’ arrest

A Nottingham anti-militarist and university employee is threatened with deportation on Sunday 1st June having been arrested whilst at work under anti-terrorism legislation (held uncharged for 7 days) and then rearrested under immigration legislation. No charge was brought after this second arrest, but he’s been moved around various immigration detention centres including Colnbrook (Heathrow), and now Campsfield (Oxfordshire) and they are planning to deport him Sunday 1st June. We hold the University as responsible as the Police & Home Office for the arrest and victimisation of this employee. A Nottingham University student was also arrested, held without charge, and released.

For the full outrageous story concerning ‘radical materials’ being downloaded (on instruction from tutor!) and reproduced as source material for university study, please see:

Read May 25 addition (the story goes international): Terrorism arrests on British university campus raise questions over academic freedom (Herald Tribune).

There will be a demonstration at University of Nottingham on Wednesday 28th June where the ‘radical materials’ will be read aloud in public followed by a march to the building where the university employee was arrested. The protest will be about academic freedom and against deportation. See for details and flyer.