‘Full circle – from weapons to war to refugees’, the well-attended joint action of No Borders Nottingham with Shut Down Heckler & Koch in Nottingham’s Market Square has already inspired a cover story in the Brighton-based Schnews bulletin. Now it has been picked up by an anti-arms-trade organisation called the RüstungsInformationsBüro (RIB) who are based in the German city of Freiburg. The Full Circle diagram is being displayed in the RIB shop-front as a poster with title ?Tödlicher Kreislauf?, translated as ?Deadly Circle? (click on photos for full size images). The RIB asked if other peace movements and migrant support organisations can also use the Full Circle diagram. We said yes of course.
As part of his 2002 television series, comedian and activist Mark Thomas showed just how easy it is to get HK arms shipped to Zimbabwe during the supposed embargo, a grim example of the reality of Full Circle, since there are many refugees and asylum seekers from there who are seeking sanctuary in Nottingham but are under continual threat of removal. Zimbabwean protesters were amongst those who demonstrated in Nottingham Market Square, and a letter of thanks was also received from the Nottingham Zimbabwe Community Network who related the Full Circle protest to action taken by South African workers who had refused to offload a Chinese arms cache that was destined for Zimbabwe earlier this year.
So, like the global arms industry, our opposition to their ‘making a living out of killing’ is transnational. The question is, whilst anti-H&K demonstrations continue outside offices and depot on Lenton Lane, listed online as NSAF Ltd – Nottingham Small Arms Factory/Facility, when will the city and local press (who seem to be under the thumb of the police by not reporting protests apart from this paltry effort) respond properly to Nottingham’s hosting of a death-dealing company like Heckler and Koch?
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We are angry to convey the news that after the brave stopping of a charter plane before it was able to leave on 15th September, 52 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers (including those assaulted and injured in the earlier revolt) were forcibly removed from British immigration detention centres to Erbil International Airport, Northern Iraq, on 17/18th September. They were met by two hundred Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) troops. From a report to the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR & Coalition to Stop Deportation to Iraq-CSDIRAQ by one of those removed, at least one was separated off from the other asylum seekers and escorted away by the troops. Iraq is safe, our warmongering politicians lie, yet again. We lost this one, but resistance has worked before, and will no doubt continue.
Continue reading 52 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers removed 17/18th September following brave airline revolt of the 15th. →
The human cost of migration control and detention camps on Europe’s borders (and inside or outside of EU) has never been clearer. This summer a number of gatherings and direct action events will be talking place in Germany (17th-24th August), Greece (29th-31st August), & Turkey (3rd-7th September). Participants are invited to all of these, details as follows:
Antira Summer Camp, Hamburg, Germany: http://camp08.antira.info/aufruf.html
No Border – Patras 2008, Greece: http://www.noborderpatras.org/en/
Dikili No-Border Camp 2008, Turkey: http://dikilinobordercamp.blogspot.com/
These transnational connections are vital for No Borders activists who are not prepared to live in a world of arbitrary borders that were created not by ordinary people, but by ruling elites.
See also: http://noborderswales.wordpress.com/2008/0…der-camps-2008/
Continue reading No Borders Camps taking place in Germany, Greece & Turkey. →
For freedom of movement, Against nationhood and prevention of migration by nation states, Welcoming asylum seekers and migrant workers, Against capitalist exploitation