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Independent video of demonstration in support of Hicham Yezza and Academic Freedom

A moving video which speaks for more action: Independent video of the demo – interviews, speechs, march in the rain, support from students & co-workers, phone call with Hich in detention centre, etc.

Hich on mobile phone: “thank you … and hopefully we can all join in another demonstration to celebrate my release … you are a credit to Nottingham, a credit to Nottingham University, and a credit to students and student activism, and community activism”.

Free Hicham Yezza!
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No deportations to Zimbabwe – protest in Nottingham Fri 27th June

No deportations to Zimbabwe - protest in Nottingham Fri 27th JuneA protest NO DEPORTATIONS TO ZIMBABWE has been called by the Nottingham Zimbabwe Community Network on Friday 27th June at 4pm in Nottingham Old Market Square. Come and join it!

Read an Indymedia report following the showing of Zimbabwe film FLAME at the Sumac Centre on 18th June. Also find more NZCN news on the new blog-site:

Refugee Week 2008 events listing (14th ? 22nd June):
Continue reading No deportations to Zimbabwe – protest in Nottingham Fri 27th June

SUCCESSFUL Immigration bail hearings for Hich and Amdani on 16th June 2008 – but campaigning continues

By coincidence the bail hearings of two high-profile Nottingham detainees both took place today via video links from Dover citadel (for Hicham Yezza) and Campsfield in Oxfordshire (for Amdani Juma). These hearings were to allow them to be released from detention while they fight their respective immigration cases. Latest news – after 31 days inside and one deportation flight cancelled, Hich is bailed! (although Home Office tried to make out he should be kept locked up because he has no ‘absence of close ties’ to the UK – clearly nonsense). Amdani’s hearing finished a couple of hours later and he is also bailed (in spite of HO opposition) after 18 days and two cancelled deportation flights. Hoorah!!

See also: Land of no return. Article in Guardian newspaper on Jun 13th 2008 about community anti-deportation campaigns.
Continue reading SUCCESSFUL Immigration bail hearings for Hich and Amdani on 16th June 2008 – but campaigning continues


*THURSDAY 19 JUNE – PUBLIC MEETING: Refugees in a Global Era. Speaker: Phil Marfleet.
Venue: The Square Centre, Alfred Street North. Time: 7pm. ALL WELCOME.
*SATURDAY 21ST JUNE – FUNDRAISING EVENT: International food tasting event
Venue: The Vine Community Centre, Bobbersmill Rd, Hyson Green. Time: 7-10pm. Tickets: £20
*SUNDAY 22 JUNE: ?They Don?t Want to Learn English?. Come and celebrate and learn more about the issues faced by refugees and people seeking asylum who are English learners.
Venue: Sneinton. Time: 6.15 ? 8pm. FREE EVENT. Contact: 07905 298137

Another riot at Campsfield (Oxfordshire) detention centre – 14th June 2008 (& escapes a few days later)

LATEST NEWS 19 June (BBC Oxfordshire):
7 detainees escape from Campsfield overnight.

Information about the most recent riot on June 14th by those who are sick of being detained, can be found on Indymedia (Migration section):

Those of us on the outside show our solidarity with those who are locked up for no other reason than their being born on other soil. More of these centres are being built in Britain and elsewhere, whilst the EU (through the ‘returns directive’) considers that 18 months detention should be considered normal. The fight to close these centres must be stepped up. See Migreurop website for a map of immigration prisons and ‘camps’ across Europe. Also read (in their own sickening words) how GEO group, the company who run Campsfield, see incarceration of human beings in terms of profit for their shareholders and are so proud of their listing on the New York Stock Exchange.
Continue reading Another riot at Campsfield (Oxfordshire) detention centre – 14th June 2008 (& escapes a few days later)

Remembering Masivi Olido

Remembering Masivi OlidoNottingham No Borders is sad and angry ? very angry – to have to report the death of Masivi Olido. We are proud to have demonstrated side by side with him for the rights of asylum seekers and to raise awareness in Nottingham of the situation faced by Congolese people that the British state is trying to deport. Too many people are dying in this system, through neglect and worse. In Masivi’s case, very few of us even knew he was ill. We knew him as a fighter. There are questions to be answered here, but in the short term the Congolese community is looking to dignify his memory and help his family a little, so we hope people visiting our site will give a little money and circulate this appeal. Look out for his picture in our random gallery and remember him with us.


Let’s dignify MASIVI OLIDO and do good deed as he did for many people. MASIVI OLIDO, a 36 year old young man with a big heart full of compassion died suddenly on Saturday 9th August. Masivi was an active member of the Nottingham Congolese Community, and a member of MPR, who came to the UK and claimed asylum when the Mobutu regime was replaced by Kabila and Rwandan rebel forces in wars that have made the DR Congo one of the most dangerous places on earth. The Home Office sent him to Nottingham in 2001 where he lived until his last hour.

At the moment we need to make sure we have enough funds to bury him in a dignified way. He will be buried according to his cultural tradition. He must look smart as he always used to be.

We need to raise enough funds for this to happen. The funeral costs are estimated to be more than £2,500 We also need to make a one-off donation to his two children, his wife and his elderly mother.

Please click on ‘read more’ to find out more and how to donate to the appeal.
Continue reading Remembering Masivi Olido

Notts Refugee Week programme begins with No Borders night @ Sumac on Friday 13th June: MEETING / FOOD / MUSIC

The official launch of Refugee Week takes place on Saturday but we are kicking off early on FRIDAY 13TH JUNE with a public meeting, food and live music at the SUMAC Centre in Forest Fields. Small World Kitchen and No Borders present an evening of discussion, traditional African vegan food and live music from Ngoma, starting with the meeting at 6.30pm (food at 8pm, music from 9). More details and directions can be found in the Sumac/Veggies events diary:
Continue reading Notts Refugee Week programme begins with No Borders night @ Sumac on Friday 13th June: MEETING / FOOD / MUSIC

Amdani’s deportation flight cancelled on day of removal – and moved today to Campsfield

Amdani Juma’s deportation flight to Burundi via Nairobi on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 was cancelled at zero hour on Tuesday June 10th as an application for an judicial review, accepted by the High Court, was finally acknowledged. No thanks to the Home Office who could have ended his misery by discretion without forcing him to go through another court hearing (and still could), or to the immigration enforcement unit who kept him waiting until the last minute.

Supporters visited him all afternoon at Colnbrook immigration removal centre (run by private contractor Serco with transportation support from Group 4), and stayed well after the flight was seen to take off from Heathrow airport. Amdani’s legal battle to stay has only just begun, and he is not yet out on bail. He was also taken away by the Home Office during visiting this evening and was moved immediately to Campsfield detention centre in Oxfordshire. His bail hearing is set for Monday June 12th in London so he could remain in Campsfield until then, although this is by no means certain. But we can all be relieved and happy he was not on that flight (whilst knowing it was very likely carrying other forced deportees), and we look forward to having him back in Nottingham soon. The campaigning will continue in earnest. More to follow.
Continue reading Amdani’s deportation flight cancelled on day of removal – and moved today to Campsfield

In London: Radical history open meeting about asylum seeker revolt on Tues 24 June + demo against EU Return Directive on Monday 16 June

Invitation to a Radical History Discussion – open meeting:
Resistance in the UK’s Detention Centres in the Last Decade
Date & Time: Tuesday 24 June 2008, 7 pm.

Venue: T&G, Transport House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London, WC1X 8TN Map.

Also in London on Monday 16th June, details on
Demonstrate at 12 noon outside the London office of the European Commission at 8 Storey’s Gate, SW1P 3AT [Map] against the “Return Directive” to be voted on by the European Parliament on 17th or 18th June 2008 which will allow EU member states to:
* Detain non-EU migrants for up to 18 months
* Detain and deport migrants including vulnerable people, unaccompanied minors (under 18 years of age) and pregnant women
* Expel unaccompanied minors and other migrants to a country where they have neither family nor legal support
* Ban an expelled migrant from re-entering any part of the EU for up to 5 years (although UK is already looking at making this 10 for some deportees, see: ).

See also: Shut Down EU Migrant Hunters! – Actions against Frontex
Continue reading In London: Radical history open meeting about asylum seeker revolt on Tues 24 June + demo against EU Return Directive on Monday 16 June


Amdani Juma, the Nottingham Community worker whose deportation has been delayed pending Judicial Review, is to attend a Bail Renewal Application Hearing at Loughborough Reporting Centre on Monday August 11. Mr Juma?s Judicial Review Hearing was adjourned for three weeks on Tuesday July 29, after his solicitor and Home Office legal representatives failed to reach agreement.
A short campaign video paying tribute to our good friend Amdani Juma can be seen on YouTube:

Background – from Press release by Friends of Amdani :: Wed 6 August 2008
Contacts: Rob Peutrell ? 07846765761 or Leo Keely ? 07742884335
Amdani Juma, a refugee HIV prevention and community worker in Nottingham, was detained by the immigration authorities on Friday 30th May 2008. when he went to sign at a Reporting Centre in Loughborough. He spent 18 days in detention. His removal was postponed once to give both sides more time and then a second time on June 10th pending a Judicial Review application. He was released and returned to Nottingham after an initial bail hearing in London on Monday 16th June. The purpose of the August 11 hearing is to ascertain whether Mr Juma has adhered to his bail conditions. Amdani is a Burundian national. In 2003, he was granted 3 years Humanitarian Protection but his later application for Indefinite Leave to Remain was turned down. A further application for discretion by the Home Office was also refused resulting in his present detention. Alan Simpson, MP for Nottingham South, and Nottingham Council leader Jon Collins have both spoken out in opposition to Amdani?s proposed removal. There have been three demonstrations in Nottingham and an online and paper petition combined have a total of over 5,600 signatures. contains many testimonials from the community and has over 2,500 signatures. Paper petitions total almost 3,000. Signatories include Alan Simpson MP, and academic Noam Chomsky.

Update following Aug 11 hearing: Amdani’s bail has been renewed until November.