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Nottingham’s Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa detained & faces deportation on Saturday 4th October: Urgent appeal

Nottingham's Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa detained & faces deportation on Saturday 4th October: Urgent appeal

UPDATE: Mustafa is still here in England, but please continue to fax letters to the home secretary and immigration minister on his behalf. He is still in Campsfield house removal centre and the home office say they have no plans to release him.

Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, who has been in UK since June 2004, was detained when he reported at his reporting centre in Loughborough this week. He is a Sudanese African of dual Dinka/Massaleit heritage ? his mother is from the Dinka tribe of Southern Sudan, and his father is from the Masseleit tribe in the West of Sudan. He criticised the Sudanese regime though his film work for which he was tortured: beaten and humiliated. Mustafa was detained last year when the Home Office were rounding up Sudanese prior to the second HGMO case last year. Another Appeal is set for November this year on the issue of torture of returnees to Sudan. But, as is typical of the Home Office before Appeals are heard, removals are rushed through. Mustafa has been given a Removal Notice set for Saturday 4th October, with BMI flight number BD 997 from Heathrow Terminal 1, flying to Beirut, and then on to Khartoum. We urge you to write on his behalf, to the Home Secretary, the Immigration Minister, and the Airline. Mustafa should not be returned to Sudan. Follow read more link for how to help. Model letters: [attachment=17] and [attachment=18]
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AMDANI JUMA – No let up in local support as hearing date set

Amdani Juma, the Nottingham Community worker whose removal was postponed in June, will have his Judicial Review in the High Court on Tuesday 14th October and this Friday 3rd October. 250 post cards will be posted to 15 MPs to raise awareness about how Amdani has contributed to their constituency through his work. Amdani is a Burundian national. In 2003, he was granted 3 years Humanitarian Protection but his application for Indefinite Leave to Remain was turned down, and further application for discretion was refused by the UKBA/Home Office.

One of the ?Friends of Amdani? says:
?We are continuing to raise awareness about this issue and we won?t let up until justice is done. Some people think that because he was released, it is all over: we are trying to keep everyone updated with what is going on, as well as continuing to let more people know about this injustice. Last Saturday in Nottingham City Centre 150 more people signed the petition in less than 2 hours. The whole of Nottingham will be awaiting a just outcome.?

Local people have rallied to his support with three demonstrations in Nottingham and an online and paper petition combined have a total of over 5,700 signatures. contains many testimonials from the community and has over 2,500 signatures. Paper petitions total over 3,000. A short campaign video paying tribute to our good friend Amdani Juma can be seen on YouTube:
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Nottingham family detained after morning immigration raid: Urgent appeal

Selina Adda and children detained after a raid at their home in The Meadows

UPDATE: Removal stayed. Selina and her children were arriving home [/b]in Nottingham as of 4th Oct, after they were detained for removal to Ghana on Friday. A good neighbour drove to London to collect them as soon as they knew she was being released. Selina has seen that 940 supporters signed a petition in support of her and the children. Brian (aged 8) is very happy ‘to be out of the Dungeon’, and we are hoping that little Chelsea (5) will start eating again soon, because she wouldn’t eat in Yarl’s Wood (Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire). The campaign has learnt is that another family with young children ‘disappeared’ from the same school (St Patricks, in Wilford) over the summer holidays, and an older sister bringing a younger sibling to school mentioned that her family had beein in Yarlswood for three months last year. This is just one primary school… we need to keep the Campaign going for Selina, and we need to think about what else is going on in our midst.

Evening Post article:…il/article.html

Selina Adda and her two children, Brian (aged 8) and Chelsea (aged 4) were detained after Immigration arrived at their home in The Meadows (Nottingham South) yesterday morning, just as they were getting ready to go to their school, St Patricks, in Wilford. Selina is from Ghana. She is now ill in Yarlswood, and her little girl is refusing to eat. Yesterday she just asked for orange juice, and Selina was explaining that there is none. Friends and supporters of Selina have put together a letter to the Immigration Minister, and a petition is up and running online
Selina and her children (The Adda Family: Home Office ref: A1290971) face removal to Ghana on Friday, BA 81 at 14.15 3rd October: LONDON HEATHROW–>ACCRA, GHANA (ACC). Use this model letter [attachment=16] to write to Liam Byrne.
Please send copies of what you have sent to the campaign address:
St Saviour’s Cottage, St Saviour’s Gardens, The Meadows, Nottingham, NG2 3HL
tel: 0115 9567686 email: or to Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum. Read more for full info and text of model letter. Complain to British Airways also (again, read more for phone/fax details).

This news comes as the Home Office has been forced to recognise that there are hundreds of claims by asylum-seekers of abuse and assault in detention centres and during removals, and start an investigation.
Continue reading Nottingham family detained after morning immigration raid: Urgent appeal

No Borders ‘Self-educational’ at Sumac Centre – Friday 26th Sept 7.30pm & food by Small World Kitchen at 9pm

For the second of No Borders Nottingham ‘self-educationals’ (the first looked at immigration camps and border control in and around European Union) we’ll be discussing the situation in the Caucasus and south-Central Asia’s Russian borders. This is the area where warfare has taken place in recent weeks, following bombing by the Georgian military of South Ossetia and reprisals by Russia and South Ossetian militias. This has resulted in huge numbers of ‘internally displaced’ persons (refugees). It is also the region to which Babi Badalov was deported to from Cardiff by the British Government on Sunday, to Baku/Baki in Azerbaijan. All are welcome to turn up to this informal meeting at 7.30pm on Friday 26th September at The Sumac Centre in Forest Fields (follow link for directions). The meeting will be followed by followed by vegan African food cooked by Small World Kitchen at 9pm (suggested donation £3). Members or guests of Forest Fields Social Club may also buy drinks from the Sumac bar.
Continue reading No Borders ‘Self-educational’ at Sumac Centre – Friday 26th Sept 7.30pm & food by Small World Kitchen at 9pm

200 strong ‘Freedom of movement’ block on Stop the War march in Manchester, 20th September 2008

200 strong 'Freedom of movement' block on Stop the War march in Manchester, 20th September 2008No Borders activists and anarchists marched together as part of a ‘Freedom of movement’ block on the Stop the War Coalition march in Manchester on 20th September 2008. Police surveillance and harassment was considerable, as reported on Indymedia UK. Around 200, some from No Borders Nottingham, supported the block.
200 strong 'Freedom of movement' block on Stop the War march in Manchester, 20th September 2008
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Manchester Roma Solidarity demo on 19th Sept 2008 well attended

Manchester Roma Solidarity demo on 19th Sept 2008 well attendedBetween 50 and 60 protesters. including Nottingham anarchists, picketed the Italian consulate in Manchester on Friday 19th Sept from 11.30am until 1.30pm, in a demonstration against the worst persecution of Roma people in Italy since the fascist era. The protest, called by the Anarchist Federation and No Borders, saw both sides of the Ducie Street entrance to the consulate at 111 Picadilly picketed, with the picket extending down the street and onto Picadilly, where both sides of the pavement were lined with demonstrators. 1000 leaflets detailing the persecution were distributed to interested passersby. The side street to the consulate was temporarily renamed Il Duce Street after the nickname of Italian fascist leader, Benito Mussolini. Consulate staff came down to investigate. More photos: Manchester Indymedia
Continue reading Manchester Roma Solidarity demo on 19th Sept 2008 well attended

52 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers removed 17/18th September following brave airline revolt of the 15th.

We are angry to convey the news that after the brave stopping of a charter plane before it was able to leave on 15th September, 52 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers (including those assaulted and injured in the earlier revolt) were forcibly removed from British immigration detention centres to Erbil International Airport, Northern Iraq, on 17/18th September. They were met by two hundred Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) troops. From a report to the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees-IFIR & Coalition to Stop Deportation to Iraq-CSDIRAQ by one of those removed, at least one was separated off from the other asylum seekers and escorted away by the troops. Iraq is safe, our warmongering politicians lie, yet again. We lost this one, but resistance has worked before, and will no doubt continue.
Continue reading 52 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers removed 17/18th September following brave airline revolt of the 15th.

Cardiff’s Babi is deported by BMI – the airline with a tiny heart

LGBT Asylum News, Sunday, 21 September 2008:
Babakhan (Babi) Badalov was deported to Baku, Azerbaijan, from Heathrow Airport yesterday afternoon on a British Midlands Airways (BMI) to Baku. He was due to fly earlier in the day on Azerbaijan Airlines but the airline refused to take him after they were contacted by supporters of Babi. He sent a little poem to his friends in UK.

Cardiff's Babi is deported by BMI - the airline with a tiny heartBABI+HELLO FROM HELLBAIJAN
Fakkk you miss jacquyi locksmith from hellbaijan
fakk you united king kong yankee go khomebashi
will not died n kill myself
will conitine except you giving me adventure pain
i am live but its very terrible place to be here
i am affraid of my family come find me here
i lav all all you there
you all so good and nice plesant to me

Babi Badalov

Babi’s is not an isolated case. John ?Bosco? Nyombi was deported on a flight in Entebbe, Uganda on Friday evening. See:

We wish you luck Babi and John! Until these deportations are stopped it is the politicians like Jacqui ‘lock’ Smith & Liam Byrne, the UK Border Agency officials and their private contractors, and not least airlines like the defunct XL airways, Virgin (never done it before, honest), BA (British don’t care-ways) & now BMI ‘Babi’ (the airline with a tiny heart) who have (and will have) blood on their hands if the threats to the lives of these and other gay deportees become a reality.

*Note: If you are considering local action, BMI Baby may claim they are not the same as BMI (who deported Babi from Heathrow on flight BD929), which is, of course, nonsense – they’re the ‘low cost’ subsidiary of British Midland (who also bought British Mediterranean Airways BMED in Jan 2007), and so it’s little different than Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Nigeria. Yeah Baby! Nice try.
Continue reading Cardiff’s Babi is deported by BMI – the airline with a tiny heart

Cardiff Gay Radical Artist Asylum Seeker Snatched! Protest Wednesday.

Babakhan Badalov, (Babi) the openly gay, internationally renowned radical artist and poet from Azerbaijan was arrested on the morning of 16th September during a reporting session in Cardiff. There will be a protest on Wednesday 17th September against Babi?s incarceration outside of the place where he was grabbed; the UK Border Agency offices at 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff at 12 noon. All are welcome. This protest will only last one hour so people can come along in their lunch-breaks, and show your support with any banners or placards that you are able to make. Details and complains to Home Office from No Borders Wales. Friend and activist Hywel Bishop said: ?I?ve never seen anyone so scared. If Babi gets sent home he faces persecution from the state for his art, beatings from the local community, as well as the threat of honour killing from his family because they can?t live with the fact that he?s gay.?

On the same day, in Nottingham, a Zimbabwean women was detained at The Bridewell police station. There are many more signing detentions and dawn raids we don’t hear about. The inhuman harassment of asylum seekers in Britain is continuous. How much clearer can it be that nation states are the enemy of any freedom-loving person?
Continue reading Cardiff Gay Radical Artist Asylum Seeker Snatched! Protest Wednesday.