Tag Archives: Nottingham

Campaigning continues as Hicham & Amdani remain incarcerated

These are two very different stories, and by no means the only ones in Nottingham or anywhere else in UK that show up the distress caused by state border and immigration policies.

Amdani Juma, refugee advisor and HIV/AIDS professional (and all round wonderful guy from Burundi, under humanitarian protection in Britain for 5 years) has had his deportation on Wednesday delayed, but only until evening of Tuesday 10th June. He has been moved from Lindholme detention centre near Doncaster to Colnbrook removal centre at Heathrow airport. The pressure on him must be insummountable. We must stop his removal. More (including news that Noam Chomsky has signed Amdani’s petition) is at: http://www.nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk/ &
See http://friendsofamdani.wordpress.com/ and sign the e-petition.

Hicham Yezza, Nottingham University employee (and peace activist from Algeria, settled in UK for 13 years) has had his deportation cancelled pending a judicial review application but he continues to be held in a detention centre in Dover. He has bravely gone to the press about his experience inside and his resistance to constantly being moved from one detention centre to another (click here to hear MP3 of him speaking). More at:

Continued campaigning on these two high profile cases is vitally important, and we can only hope this results in Amdani and Hicham coming back to Nottingham soon, but let’s not kid ourselves that there are not thousands of others who are in need of support. Huge numbers (around 20,000) forced deportations take place a year which destroy livelihoods made or remade here in Britain. The situation in detention (or so-called ‘removal’) centres is horrific and punative. People are subjected to terrifying dawn raids by the immigration police. After periods of detention sometimes of many years, our neighbours are being transported to frightening and uncertain futures and for some, to their graves. Amdani and Hicham know this as much as anyone.

Britain seems like a strange place at the moment. Whilst anti-immigrant hysteria continues in the press and for political expediency, online projects like Moving Here celebrate and also recognise the hopes, experiences and sacrifices of voluntary migrants like Hicham who choose to live, study and work in Britain. Living projects like City of Sanctuary in Sheffield and our own Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum work towards a long term future for refugees and asylum seekers in our communities. But still this will only reach a minority of those being victimised by government policies which mean even more detention places are being created at this very moment (from 2,600 to 4,000). Therefore, the momentum gained in these excellent high-profile campaigns must be maintained to build a movement against incarceration of any person just because they happen to be born on other soil. We may even be able to take the next step and begin to build a mass movement against the very ideas of nation states and their methods of control.

Find out more about No Borders at our event on 13th June, details at:

Also read: The truth behind the deportation statistics,

Continue reading Campaigning continues as Hicham & Amdani remain incarcerated

Support website for Amdani Juma – help us keep him in Nottingham

You can help stop the Deportation of Amdani Juma on Wednesday:
Please go to the site and sign the e-petition now and also send letters to the airline & ministers (model letter on website), and tell everyone you know to do the same. Do anything else you can think of.
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Hicham Yezza refuses to be transported to fifth detention centre

Following the cancellation order on his deportation and despite being unjustly incarcerated for over two weeks, Hicham Yezza has received news that he is to be transported to a fifth detention centre. He released this statement today from Colnbrook immigration removal centre saying, “I am […] refusing to go. I am not a piece of luggage, but a human being and deserve to be treated as such.? Read more on Indymedia:

Also read interview with Hicham and a damning article about the current climate of ‘self-censorship’ in universities in Guardian newspaper today:
Please note Hich is a a respected anti-militarist activist who has been in Nottingham for 13 years.
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Jane Mary Mutetsi’s incarceration & the meaning of No Borders

Jane Mary Mutetsi's incarceration & the meaning of No BordersAs reported over the last week, Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum volunteer Jane Mary Mutetsi is still detained by the police. We are more than sick of this. All who value freedom must say no to this continuous abuse of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers. We maintain that no one is illegal. We in No Borders defy the very idea of nation states and national borders that mean nothing to us. The greatest hypocrisy is that capitalist exploitation of labour and the environment is global, and war can be waged across borders by the rulers and armies of nation states against the wishes of most of the world’s population. Yet people are not free to move from one place to another to escape this madness. Little longer than 100 years ago passports did not even exist. Further before that, neither did nation states with border controls. These are human constructs that can and must be challenged and ultimately destroyed.
Continue reading Jane Mary Mutetsi’s incarceration & the meaning of No Borders

Nottingham Market Square demos on Sat (1pm) and Mon (5pm) against detention & deportation of Amdani

To protest against Amdani Juma’s detention this morning and Notice of deportation (for next Wednesday), two demonstrations have been quickly organised, one for tomorrow Saturday 31st May at 1pm, and the other at 5pm on Monday 2nd June, both in Nottingham’s Market Square. Please come and show your support for Amdani. Some placards will be provided by the Friends of Amdani support group or make your own, bring drums or other instruments, or just bring yourself, family and friends, and make your feelings known!. Read more
Continue reading Nottingham Market Square demos on Sat (1pm) and Mon (5pm) against detention & deportation of Amdani

Amdani Juma detained while reporting at Loughborough – removal date set Wed 4th June.

Amdani Juma removal date has been set for Wed 4th June on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 (Terminal 4, Heathrow) which is the usual flight used by government for deportations to Africa.

Amdani Juma detained while reporting at Loughborough - removal date set Wed 4th June.Following Jane Mary Mutetsi’s detention earlier this week, our other well known friend & NNRF volunteer Amdani Juma, who has been in the UK for many years as a survivor from Burundi but whose appeal for Indefinite Leave to Remain was turned down by the Home Office on 5th Dec, has now himself been detained whilst reporting at Loughborough reporting centre today. He has already been moved to Campsfield Detention Centre in Oxfordshire. Amdani’s case has previously been reported on the No Borders Nottingham website and elsewhere:

The Friends of Amdani will be helping to keep him strong and hope to free him from the hands of the immigration authorities. More to follow.
Continue reading Amdani Juma detained while reporting at Loughborough – removal date set Wed 4th June.

NNRF volunteer Jane Mary Mutetsi is detained

NNRF volunteer Jane Mary Mutetsi is detainedOnly days after a new campaign was launched, Nottingham & Notts Refugee Forum volunteer Jane Mary Mutetsi was today detained at the Bridewell police station in Nottingham. We will do everything in our power to prevent yet another attack on a vulnerable asylum seeker in Nottingham. We are thinking of you Jane Mary!

For more details see:


Jane Mary belongs to Nottingham.
Continue reading NNRF volunteer Jane Mary Mutetsi is detained

University washes hands over imminent deportation of their ‘illegal’ employee

NEW: Central News report on 28 May demonstration (video).
plus: Local BBC Nottingham written report of demo
plus: Independent video of the demo – interviews, speechs, march in the rain, support from student & co-workers, phone call with Hich in detention centre, etc.

The University of Nottingham is really scraping the barrel now trying to make an (in)credible case as to why it shouldn?t intervene publicly with the Home Office to prevent deportation of staff member Hicham Yezza this coming Sunday. Since the farcical ‘terror’ arrests and extended detention without charge a fortnight ago, no criminal charge of immigration irregularity has come to anything and was quickly dropped. The Home Office is clearly trying to have him removed as quickly as possible to cover up their embarrassment over police arresting him in the first place, a process initiated by the university.

It’s so infuriating that rather than admit an error and intervene to prevent Hicham’s deportation from Britain, allowing him to sort out any visa irregularies (which must be extremely commonplace in a institution with hundreds of overseas students and staff, and quite easily resolved) the university authorities decide instead, in their immense wisdom, to issue a statement via BBC East Midlands tonight that Hicham Yezza was ?working illegally?. In other words, not their problem. In other words, as far as they are concerned, he can be hung out to dry.

This institution is incapable of taking a reality check. IF Hisham broke immigration law, then they did too by employing him. They seem to think that trying to shift the blame for this supposed crime will stop us pointing out that they have a responsibility to their long-standing student/employee. Basic humanity means that they should intervene against the deportation and let Hicham defend himself against any accusations of deliberate wrong-doing. And then to insist that the least the Home Office can do after 6 days locked up without charge is rectify his immigration paperwork immediately (if that proves to be necessary), and then make sure he is welcomed back to work. Is that too much to ask after what he’s been through? This might also reassure any other overseas staff or student who has forgotten to check their visa recently that they won’t get shafted by the university if they accidently fall foul of ‘terrorism’ paranoia (or accidently get arrested for anything else) during their employment or studies.

Feelings against the University over this and other matters of academic freedom and free speech are running exceptionally high at the moment, and for good reason. Nottingham activists must continue to put pressure on it and challenge its attitude of unaccountability. Please attend tomorrow?s (Wednesday 28th May) demonstration for academic freedom and the freeing of Hicham. It starts at 2.00pm outside the Hallward Library, in the middle of the campus. See campus map (library is building 9).
Continue reading University washes hands over imminent deportation of their ‘illegal’ employee

Stop the Deportation of Nottingham University’s Hicham Yezza – support website

Following the two unfounded ‘terror’ arrests at Nottingham University a support website for the staff member and peace activist Hicham Yezza has been launched, to provide information about how to help stop his imminent deportation on Sunday 1st June.

Information about Hich, by his friends, can be found on http://notts.indymedia.org.uk. Direct link: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/not…/05/399569.html
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Nottingham University employee threatened with deportation after unfounded ‘terrorism’ arrest

A Nottingham anti-militarist and university employee is threatened with deportation on Sunday 1st June having been arrested whilst at work under anti-terrorism legislation (held uncharged for 7 days) and then rearrested under immigration legislation. No charge was brought after this second arrest, but he’s been moved around various immigration detention centres including Colnbrook (Heathrow), and now Campsfield (Oxfordshire) and they are planning to deport him Sunday 1st June. We hold the University as responsible as the Police & Home Office for the arrest and victimisation of this employee. A Nottingham University student was also arrested, held without charge, and released.

For the full outrageous story concerning ‘radical materials’ being downloaded (on instruction from tutor!) and reproduced as source material for university study, please see:

Read May 25 addition (the story goes international): Terrorism arrests on British university campus raise questions over academic freedom (Herald Tribune).

There will be a demonstration at University of Nottingham on Wednesday 28th June where the ‘radical materials’ will be read aloud in public followed by a march to the building where the university employee was arrested. The protest will be about academic freedom and against deportation. See http://notts.indymedia.org.uk/ for details and flyer.
Continue reading Nottingham University employee threatened with deportation after unfounded ‘terrorism’ arrest