A Solidarity Demonstration will be taking place tonight, 3rd August, 6pm at Campsfield House, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 1RE.
Statement from detainees in Campsfield released yesterday afternoon by email:
“Unlawful Detention of Detainees
147 detainees are staging a protest by refusing meals at Campsfield
immigration removal centre. The protest erupted as a result of the
treatment of detainees in detention centres especially for people who
have been detained for a long period of time. We continue to refuse
meals indefinitely for our voices to be heard.
Continue reading Campfield detainees on hunger strike – statement and demonstration →
UPDATE Dec 2nd: GOOD NEWS! Mustafa was released from Campsfield House IRC yesterday and arrived back in Nottingham late last night. He was released with nowhere to stay, but his friends were waiting. His campaign and Mustafa send many, many big thank yous’ to all the people who have signed petitions, faxed letters, been out in the cold getting signatures and letters signed. He still needs the signatures so he asks that people continue to circulate the petition around their contacts.
UPDATE: Mustafa’s removal flight was cancelled but please sign the petition and continue to email and/or send faxes [attachment=20] to the Home Office as this may only be a temporary delay to his removal (Click on read more for full text of email).
Support the campaign to prevent the second attempt by the government to remove Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK. Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa from Sudan is detained in Campsfield House IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Tuesday 2nd December 2008 on BMI flight BD 0997 from Heathrow Terminal 1, @ 16.00 to Khartoum. Please sign the petition, and forward the petition address to others:
Click on read more for other things you can do.
Continue reading Sudanese cameraman new removal date set for Tues 2nd Dec – flight cancelled again but action still needed →
Supporters have informed us that Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa is still here after his removal to Sudan by BMI (British Midland Airways Limited) was due to take place on Saturday Oct 4th, but please continue to fax letters to the home secretary and immigration minister on his behalf. He is still in Campsfield House (Immigration Removal Centre in Oxfordshire) and the Home Office say they have no plans to release him.
We also have the good news (see also Evening Post article) that Selina and her children were arriving home to Nottingham as of 4th Oct, after they were detained for removal to Ghana by British Airways on Friday 3rd. A neighbour drove to London to collect them as soon as they knew she was being released. Selina has seen that 940 supporters signed a petition in support of her and the children (now over 1020 signatures). Brian (aged 8) is very happy ‘to be out of the Dungeon’, and we are hoping that little Chelsea (5) will start eating again soon, because she wouldn’t eat in Yarl’s Wood (Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire). The campaign has learnt is that another family with young children ‘disappeared’ from the same school (St Patricks, in Wilford) over the summer holidays, and an older sister bringing a younger sibling to school mentioned that her family had beein in Yarlswood for three months last year. This is just one primary school… we need to keep the Campaign going for Selina, and we need to think about what else is going on in our midst.
See previous No Borders Nottingham website articles for background details on both attempted removals. Pressure must be kept up on the airlines to stop them colluding with the UKBA over deportations like these, which are known to involve abuse by private security companies contracted by the government, that within the last week, the Home Office has been forced to investigate.
Continue reading Mustafa not deported but still in detention; Selina & Family also get stay of removal →

UPDATE: Mustafa is still here in England, but please continue to fax letters to the home secretary and immigration minister on his behalf. He is still in Campsfield house removal centre and the home office say they have no plans to release him.
Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, who has been in UK since June 2004, was detained when he reported at his reporting centre in Loughborough this week. He is a Sudanese African of dual Dinka/Massaleit heritage ? his mother is from the Dinka tribe of Southern Sudan, and his father is from the Masseleit tribe in the West of Sudan. He criticised the Sudanese regime though his film work for which he was tortured: beaten and humiliated. Mustafa was detained last year when the Home Office were rounding up Sudanese prior to the second HGMO case last year. Another Appeal is set for November this year on the issue of torture of returnees to Sudan. But, as is typical of the Home Office before Appeals are heard, removals are rushed through. Mustafa has been given a Removal Notice set for Saturday 4th October, with BMI flight number BD 997 from Heathrow Terminal 1, flying to Beirut, and then on to Khartoum. We urge you to write on his behalf, to the Home Secretary, the Immigration Minister, and the Airline. Mustafa should not be returned to Sudan. Follow read more link for how to help. Model letters: [attachment=17] and [attachment=18]
Continue reading Nottingham’s Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa detained & faces deportation on Saturday 4th October: Urgent appeal →
An emergency support demo for Campsfield protesters, where there are currently up to 60 people on hunger strike (nearly a third of all of those inside), has been called by Campaign to Close Campsfield this evening Tuesday 12th August at 6:00 pm.
Location of demo:
Campsfield House IRC
Langford Lane
No Borders Nottingham sends solidarity greetings and hopes that the action will achieve some change, with the closing of Campsfield as just the start!
Read more info about the hunger strike started by 13 Iraqi Kurdish detainees against their continued detention and threatened deportation to Iraq, which is now supported by many others who are incarcerated in Campsfield, on BBC Oxfordshire website…
Asylum seekers on hunger strike (12 August 2008):
See also: Campsfield claims ‘unsurprising’ (mistreatment of detainees, 15 July 2008):
Continue reading Emergency support demo called on evening of continued Campsfield hunger strikes →
LATEST NEWS 19 June (BBC Oxfordshire):
7 detainees escape from Campsfield overnight.
Information about the most recent riot on June 14th by those who are sick of being detained, can be found on Indymedia (Migration section):
Those of us on the outside show our solidarity with those who are locked up for no other reason than their being born on other soil. More of these centres are being built in Britain and elsewhere, whilst the EU (through the ‘returns directive’) considers that 18 months detention should be considered normal. The fight to close these centres must be stepped up. See Migreurop website for a map of immigration prisons and ‘camps’ across Europe. Also read (in their own sickening words) how GEO group, the company who run Campsfield, see incarceration of human beings in terms of profit for their shareholders and are so proud of their listing on the New York Stock Exchange.
Continue reading Another riot at Campsfield (Oxfordshire) detention centre – 14th June 2008 (& escapes a few days later) →
Amdani Juma’s deportation flight to Burundi via Nairobi on Kenya Airways flight KQ101 was cancelled at zero hour on Tuesday June 10th as an application for an judicial review, accepted by the High Court, was finally acknowledged. No thanks to the Home Office who could have ended his misery by discretion without forcing him to go through another court hearing (and still could), or to the immigration enforcement unit who kept him waiting until the last minute.
Supporters visited him all afternoon at Colnbrook immigration removal centre (run by private contractor Serco with transportation support from Group 4), and stayed well after the flight was seen to take off from Heathrow airport. Amdani’s legal battle to stay has only just begun, and he is not yet out on bail. He was also taken away by the Home Office during visiting this evening and was moved immediately to Campsfield detention centre in Oxfordshire. His bail hearing is set for Monday June 12th in London so he could remain in Campsfield until then, although this is by no means certain. But we can all be relieved and happy he was not on that flight (whilst knowing it was very likely carrying other forced deportees), and we look forward to having him back in Nottingham soon. The campaigning will continue in earnest. More to follow.
Continue reading Amdani’s deportation flight cancelled on day of removal – and moved today to Campsfield →
How many activists does it take to shut down the UK head offices of a multinational corporation? On 30th November it was done with just four, when activists visited the national head offices of GEO, the company which manages Campsfield detention centre in Oxfordshire.
Despite the poor publicity (the demo was not announced on any websites) the company had clearly heard that a noise demo was planned outside their Reading offices. The company had hired private security who informed protesters that GEO?s workers had been told not to come in for the day. Only the boss was in. Result! The campaign against GEO is only in its early stages, and they can now look forward to a large noise demo planned for February!
Continue reading Direct action against Campsfield detention centre’s private operator →
For freedom of movement, Against nationhood and prevention of migration by nation states, Welcoming asylum seekers and migrant workers, Against capitalist exploitation