8 Demonstrations Against Deportations to DR Congo – Wed 28 March

Earlier this month hundreds of protesters gathered at demonstrations at the Asylum & Immigration Tribunal and Enforcement Units in Manchester, Glasgow and beyond. 8 further demonstrations around the UK will take place on Wednesday March 28th.

The 8 Demos are in London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Manchester, and now Leeds. Read more for details.

NCADC News Service
(plus addition of 8th demo in Leeds, from Indymedia UK).

8 Demonstrations Against Deportations to DR Congo – Wednesday March 28th

Earlier this month hundreds of protesters gathered at demonstrations at the Asylum & Immigration Tribunal and Enforcement Units in Manchester, Glasgow and beyond. 8 further demonstrations around the UK will take place on Wednesday March 28th.

The 8 Demos are in London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Manchester, and now Leeds.

1. London – 10.00am
The Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(Nearest tube: Westminster)
Organised by Congo Support Project
Contact: Liz Atherton – 07931 524654 / Okito Tongomo – 07961 325167
Supported by: APARECO – COCORICO – Congolese Rights – DIASPORA – FONUS – PACORU – RNS – UDPS – Wake-Up Congo

2. Birmingham – 12.00 noon
Asylum & Immigration Tribunal
Sheldon Court
1 Wagon Lane
B26 3DU
Organised by Congolese communities in Coventry, Wolverhampton, Birmingham and beyond, including CADA, COCOA, and Cité Celeste.
Contact: Michael : 07903 850708 / Mango : 07940 629953

3. Glasgow – 12.00 noon
Asylum & Immigration Tribunal
Eagle Building
215 Bothwell Street
G2 7EZ
Organised by Congolese communities in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and beyond, including, Africa Umoja Scotland, Lisalisi, Sarco, and Karibu.
Contact: Matta 07738 444526 / Dhali 07877 577059
This will be a joint protest with UNITY: In memory of Uddhav Bhandari, an asylum seeker from Nepal, who in desperation set himself on fire 07.03.07 and died from his injuries 19.03.07. And in support of Max Waku and his family taken on Monday from their house and the Aksu family who have been in detention for a month.

4. Leicester – 12.00 noon
Leicester Magistrate Court
15 Pocklington Walk
Organised by Congolese communities in Derby, Stoke-On-Trent, and beyond, including African Initiative Support, Satelitte, African Action, Leicestershire Congolese Mutual Group, SOS Immigration, Bondeko Congolese Association, Congo Support group, Apareco, and North Staffordshire Congolese Community Association.
Contact: Leicester – Patience : 07951 226599 / Derby – Didier Matamba 07949 282445
Stoke-on-Trent – Jean Muko : 07930 803589

5. Nottingham -1.00pm
The Market Square
off South Parade
Organised by No Borders Nottingham, Nottingham Congolese Community, Nottingham Refugee Network.
Contact: Patrick Essalo 07877489626

6. Newcastle -12.00 noon
Asylum and immigration Tribunal
Kings court
Royal Quays
Earl Gray Way
North Shields
NE29 6AR
Organised by Congolese Community of the North East.
Contacts: Paty Omari Mungwande : 07958 606300 (Newcastle) / Gauthier Matho 07956 972274 (Sunderland) / Tresor Bukasa : 07946 702652 (Middlesborough)

7. Manchester – 12.00 noon
Assemble at ;
HMP Strangeways
1 Southall Street
M60 9AH
March to ;
The Peace Gardens
off Lloyd Street
(behind the Town Hall)
Manchester M1
Some Congolese asylum seekers are detained in prisons like HMP Strangeways because they were caught working and paying tax “illegally” – left homeless and destitute by the UK’s cruel asylum system, they had no choice to survive.
Organised by Congolese communities in Manchester, Leeds, Bradford and beyond, including the Stop Deportations to the Congo Campaign, Congo Support Project and others.

Contact: Stop Deportations to the Congo Campaign Innocent Empi on 07871 676129 / Honoré Efandje on 07910 668465 / René Mampuya on 07944 342049 / r_lundonga@yahoo.fr

8. Leeds – 11am-1pm
Waterside reporting centre,
Kirkstall Road
Called by members of the West Yorkshire Congolese community. All very welcome, bring banners and friends.

In a few months there will be a Country Guidance tribunal to challenge the Home Office official report on the DRC that says there is no risk to failed asylum seekers forcibly returned to Kinshasa. It’s not true and means that many people are being sent back to the Congo to face imprisonment, torture and other ill-treatment. If the tribunal is won, it could mean that further deportations are suspended. Please come – show your support. Demonstrate with us on 28 March !

please distribute this leaflet: – [attachment=3]

Pictures from Manchester 7th March 2007 (click to see full size picture):
8 Demonstrations Against Deportations to DR Congo - Wed 28 March
8 Demonstrations Against Deportations to DR Congo - Wed 28 March

Source for this Message:
Numerous Congolese communities around the UK
Addition of Leeds demo by No Borders Nottingham (from Indymedia UK)

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National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead Road
B20 2QS